Archaeology under the water 2011

In a special exhibition about the work of maritime archaeologists, the Viking Ship Museum invited guests into the deep to explore sunken historical worlds, accompanied by sounds effects of a diver breathing, film from underwater excavations, finds and activities for children.

The exhibition was displayed in the Museum's archaeological workshop, where the latest finds were stored in a large water tank. The tank's content was linked to stories about the work involved surveying, documenting and conserving ships' timbers.
A large wall map illustrated where in Denmark the maritime archaeologists have found archaeological remains, and showed film from the more recent, large-scale excavations.

It was possible to experience the different methods used to locate submerged ship wrecks. See finds from the Stone Age up to the 19th century and feel the difference between conservated and unconserved wood.

An activity sheet guided children through the Museum's exhibition and raised questions that encouraged participation and immersion in the exhibition's stories.

The exhibition was supported by:

  • Nord Stream AG
    - Construction leader and partner in establishing the Baltic Sea gs pipeline

The Viking Ship Museum's maritime archaeologists are responsible for the waters of eastern Denmark, surrounding the islands of Zealand and Bornholm. They protect threatened archaeological remains by co-operating with construction companies who are planning construction projects and responding to reports of discovered materials from local citizens. The maritime archaeologists investigate and excavate sites from all time periods - from the Stone Age to the present.

» Maritime archaeology - archaeology under the sea