The Fortifications at St. Albet´s Church

Approx. 10km south of Ærøskøbing is a low earthwork that runs right down to the water. This is a reconstructed section of a fortress complex that was built in the early Viking era. A part of the structure collapsed into the sea, but the 60 x 30m fort once had a rampart and covering palisade that was 7m wide and 2.5m high. A V-shaped moat surrounded the complex.  The fortress probably served both as protection against attacking Slavic tribes from the south and as immediate refuge for traders. The remains of St. Albert’s Church are medieval. 500 metres north of the fortress is the "Sea Market" – which was an important trading centre between 750-950. There have been finds of Arab and Frankish coins here and traces of workmanship carried out onsite, such as metal droplets from the casting work. The  name "Havsmarken" is possibly a corruption of Havsmærken meaning "the market by the sea" in the local South Jutland dialect. A Approx. 10km south of Ærøskøbing to Eskevej near Kalvehave. P Park the car at the beach and continue on foot southwards through the terrain. Info-signs here will explain the history of the site.