Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Roskilde.

All logbooks and diaries

Sunday 29-06-08

Published 30th Jun 2008

11.51, log 0, wind west 9 metres/sec.
Departure from Dublin with song, music and speeches. We cast off and row off from the quay with a slight current and strong rain shower.

11.56: Sail is set. We are followed by something like a hundred boats with smiling sailors who wish us a good journey home. Our support vessel, Cable One, is in place astern.

13.00, log 3, wind west 9 metres/sec.
The newly mounted rudder tackle in birch is tightened with an extra wedge.

13.30, log 5, wind west 13 metres/sec.
We go round the Nose of Howth, and decide to reef. We take in two reefs because of the gusting wind.

13.50, log 7, wind west 15-17 metres/sec
Strong gusts of wind up to 17 metres/sec.

14.03, log 8,wind west 9 metres/sec.
The wind has dropped and we let a reef out.

14.23, log 9, wind west 11 metres/sec.
We change course. The wind is too unstable to tack.
Wind gusts of 14 metres/sec, consider reefing, but will soon be in harbour.

14.48, log 12, wind west10 metres/sec
We take in the sail and row into harbour with 24 oars.

15.09, log 13, wind west 9 metres/sec
The ship is moored fast and the oars shipped.
The weather forecast is hard southerly wind tomorrow, so we will stay in
Howth and pack and trim the ship, and go through the safety procedures,
so we are ready to sail south when the wind allows.

Created by Vibeke Bischoff