A good start

Unfortunately we have not yet received photos of the ruin the crew came across but shortly after departure yesterday we received this beautiful shot of Skjoldungen in the harbor of Nanortalik with a view to blue skies and a fog bank.
Published 28th Jun 2016

Perfect weather, a wonderful night in a natural harbor - and an exciting discovery

Skjoldungen and its crew have had a good first day of the voyage, which brought them to a small, peaceful natural harbor, where they spent a fine night. The weather today is sunny, 10-12 degrees and with light southerly winds. Perfect weather for the day's sailing where they will be heading for the village "Sydprøven" and preferably even further.

Perhaps a Norseman ruin?

While exploring the site around the natural harbor the crew came across the remains of a small house of stone and turf which they belive may be an ancient Norseman ruin. Perhaps a boathouse.