Coffee in the morning fog

Published 27th Jul 2016

Today Skjodungen will take on the last part of the trip so Fiskenæseet, a trip that's 11-12 nautical miles long.

Skjoldungen and its crew are enjouying their porridge an coffee at the outermost rocks, facing the Davis in a fog as thick as pea soup.

They can just make out the sun, which is about to rise, and feel the new fog rolling in .
These are coastal fog, which lies at the outer coast and rolls into the country.

Unfortunately, there's not as much wind as yesterday, actually there is absolutely no wind , so the day's sail will be by oras. Fortunately, it is a manageable distance and the crew is in good spirits and expects to arrive at Fiskenæsset by 17 o'clock .

All is well with Skjoldungen , moored with a rope in 45 degrees to the nearest rock and an anchor located in the calm water.

Coastal fog
Coastal fog occurs when hot and humid air flows over a cold ground or sea surface and thereby cools to the saturation point . It often occurs above the relatively cold waters as mild and moist air flows over the country from the south and southwest . Inland the sun is shinning, but if you come out to the coast, you are met by a dense fog .