The crew team is now complete and heading for Narsaq

[Translate to english:] Så er besætningen fuldtallig. De otte frivillige ombord på Skjoldungen er fra venstre: Sissel Kondrup (37 år), Jørn Ove Johannsen (44 år), Ole Sand (58 år), Jørgen Dan Gregers (55 år), Torben Okkels (60 år), Ingeborg Nielsen (41 år), Hauke Griffel (18 år) og Anders Chr. Thing Japsen (25 år).
Published 08th Jul 2016

The eight member of the crew arrived at Julianehåb yesterday and how joined the team which is now complete.

Ever since the ship began its trial voyage and left Nanortalik sunday 3rd july only seven out of eight crew members have been aboard. The last member of the crew arrived yesterday and it is therefore a complet team that leave Julianehåb today heading for Narsaq. <link internal-link internal link in current>Read more about the crew memebers.

Weather this morning at 12.30 danish time (8.30 local time) was beatiful. Sunny, 12-15 degrees and a light breeze. The load has been reorganized, water tanks refilled and the minor repairs made. Skjoldungen is now heading for Narsaq - a cruise of 24 nautical miles - and expect arrival early afternoon.

Created by Lisbeth Weichel