
Come and join us for the launch of a new Viking ship

Launch of a new Viking ship May 7th 2022
Published: 26/04-2022
Archieved: 07/05-2022

Come and join us for a day of celebration at the Viking Ship Museum boatyard on Saturday May 7th.

The Viking Ship Museum will launch its new Viking ship, a reconstruction of the 11th century cargo vessel, Skuldelev 3, which is on display in the Viking Ship Hall. 

At the same time, we use this festive occasion to celebrate the inscription of Nordic Clinker Boat Traditions on UNESCO’s intangible cultural heritage list.

The launch takes place outdoors at the Boatyard on the Museum Island. There is free admission for everyone to the Museum Island on Saturday May 7th 2022.

Program for the day:

  • 12.00: Welcome and speeches by:
    • Chairman of the Viking Ship Museum's Board, Mayor Tomas Breddam
    • Tore Friis Olsen, The coastal federation - Forbundet KYSTEN
    • Signe Lopdrup, Director of the Roskilde Festival Group
  • 12.45: Naming and Launching Ceremony by Signe Lopdrup
    • Musical feature
    • Launching and loading of ballast
  • 13.30: Maiden voyage
  • 14.00: Open ship: Go on board reconstructed Viking ships and have a chat with the volunteer boat guilds
  • 15.00: Thank you for today


On Saturday May 7th 2022, everyone is welcome at the Viking Ship Museum's boatyard for the launch of the brand new Viking ship and celebration of the living cultural heritage.

Where: The Viking Ship Museum, Vindeboder 12, DK-4000 Roskilde
When: May 7th 2022 at 12:00 - 15:00

Created by Rikke Tørnsø Johansen