New dates for the Nordic Conference for Maritime Archaeology IV

Published: 07/10-2020

As everyone will know, it is not possible to see the end of the corona pandemic in the foreseeable future. However, out of respect for the publication plans (which I will return to below) and the possibility of supplementing any withdrawn papers with new (possibly more current) papers we have, daringly, re-scheduled the conference to 5 – 7 May 2022. Should it still prove impossible to assemble at this time, we will attempt to hold the conference as an online event.

We strive to hold the conference with the papers already accepted; that is, they will take preference over any new contributions. A supplementary call for papers, if needed, will be open from 1 May to 1 September 2021.

Publication of the conference proceedings

We are delighted to announce that we have closed an agreement with Acta Archaeologica to host a peer-reviewed publication of the conference proceedings in a special volume of this esteemed journal.

Schedule (subject to change)

1 December 2020: Deadline for reconfirmation of previously accepted papers

1 May 2021: 3rd (supplementary) call for papers issued

1 September 2021: Deadline for 3rd call for papers

1 November 2021: Final programme announced

1 March 2022: Deadline for registration of participation

4 May 2022: Informal gathering for early arrivals

5-6 May 2022: Conference (incl. dinner)

7 May 2022: Activities on land and at sea (paid separately)

1 September 2022: Deadline for submission of manuscripts for peer review

Ultimo 2023: Expected publication date. You may share your article through 1:1-contact

Ultimo 2025: Embargo lifted; the articles may be shared freely

(Note that an adjustment of the conference fee is anticipated. Not least due to corona-precautions such as increased spacing e