Gislinge Boat Open Source Project 2015
During 2015, the Viking Ship Museums boatbuilders built a reconstruction of the Gislinge Boat, a 7.7m long working boat dating from ca. 1130 AD.
Gisle, as the boat was named, was built as the focus of the Museum's Gislinge Boat Open Source Boatbuilding Project – a new, multi-disciplinary approach to boatbuilding that sought to involve the public as much as possible in the boatbuilding process, both here at the Museum and online via social media.
The Gislinge Blog
Less than 24 hours until the launch of the Gislinge Boat...
Hard to believe we're almost there!
Let the countdown begin...
Three days to go to the launch on Saturday. See how the work is progressing...
The Gislinge Boat's sail: processing and production of flax fibres
Transforming raw flax into workable fibres is a long and time-consuming process
Finishing the forestay
The eye splice is finished and it's time to lay the final cord of the rope
The Gislinge Boat's rig
Ropes of horsehair, sealskin and wool are already in the house. Now it’s the turn of the lime bast.
Lime bast rope for the Gislinge Boat's rig
In comparison to ropes of skin, horse hair or cultivated plant materials such as hemp or flax, the manufacture of…
Catching up
Work is progressing quickly at the boatyard now, so here's a few of the best shots from the last weeks. Click on…
How do you sail a square-rigged boat?
Some information about sailing with square-sail - and a bibliography!