Sea Stallion sails again!
Sunday 6th July, Sea Stallion and its 55 crew members will begin a three week long training voyage.
Follow the voyage on the website
From the moment Sea Stallion casts off the last mooring lines in the Museum harbour on the 21st July and until the ship docks at Toldboden in Copenhagen on the 10th August, you can follow the voyage online at the Viking Ship Museum’s website.
The ship is equipped with communications equipment that makes it possible to follow the ship’s journey through data about its course, speed and position. The data is sent from the ship to the website via satellite ca. every 15 minutes. Museum curator and crewmember on Sea Stallion, Louise Henriksen, will be writing a travel log about life on board during the sailing.
So join us – maybe we’ll come to a harbour near you!
Read more about the longship 'Sea Stallion from Glendaglough'

'Sea Stallion from Glendalough' was built at the Viking Ship Museum’s boatyard from 2000 – 2004 and with a length of 30 meters is the world’s largest Viking ship reconstruction. The longship became world-famous when it sailed to Dublin in 2007 and home again to Roskilde the following year.