Here you can read the latest diaries on the Sea Stallion's voyage to Roskilde.

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Extract from logbook, 7 August 2008

Published 08th Aug 2008

7.45, log 1213, wind south-west, 5 metres/sec.
We cast off in Kongsøre and sail away from the quay in sunshine, headed for Roskilde Fjord.

10.00, log 1219, wind south-west, 3 metres/sec.
Sun and very light wind. Lyngby Radio warns of gales in the Kattegat, the Sound and the Belt, 18 metres/sec from south south-west tonight. The forecast is for south-west, fresh winds tomorrow, so we decide to as far south in the Fjord as we can reach today. Probably Gershøj.

10.50, log 1221, south-west, 3 metres/sec.
A boat comes out of Frederiksværk with Danish pastries for the whole crew. “Since you won’t come to Frederiksværk, we’ll come to you” they shouted. We were very happy about that, and the pastries tasted good too!

12.00, log 1223, no wind.
It’s 32°C in the shade and half the crew have jumped into the water. They are swimming around the boat which is almost stationary. We take down the sail and row on 20 oars (one third). We row in three shifts, which change every half-hour.

14.00, log 1223, no wind.
We row at an average speed of 3.3 knots. The three shifts compete to get the Sea Stallion up to maximum speed two minutes before changing. Max speed was 4.1 knots. Our support vessel, Jupiter, turns back just before Crown Prince Frederik’s Bridge at Frederikssund, and they the get a roaring cheer as farewell.

14.23, log 1230, no wind.
We row under the bridge and the bridge watch comes out to greet us and shouts “Welcome home”. There are people on the bridge, waving and shouting. Wonderful to be almost home. The Museum’s own motor boat, Martha, which is to accompany us the rest of the way, is waiting on the other side of the bridge.

14.44, log 1231, wind north, 4 metres/sec.
We spontaneously decide to go in to Frederikssund, because the customs house has invited us for a drink. We are in a holiday mood and say Yes please!

16.00, log 1231, wind north north-west 4 metres/sec.
We row out of the harbour and set sail. Sif Ege, a reconstruction of Skuldelev 3 from Frederikssund, has followed us for some hours and follows all the way to Gershøj.

19.07, log 1241, wind north-east 3 metres/sec.
We moor in Gershøj harbour, where a lot of happy locals bid us welcome.

Created by Vibeke Bischoff