Quiet, cleanliness and order in Howth

Published: 01/07-2008

A peaceful day in Howth. The sun is shining and there are blue jackets with the Sea Stallion logo everywhere in the little port. The crew has accommodation in the local fishing club’s rooms and slept the night on the floor of the club’s bar. At 8 am there was breakfast – porridge and coffee, after which the first section meetings were held.

The organisation into sections has many advantages, first and foremost in relation to the voyage. The various sections man separate functions at sea, but they also act as small social communities. As time goes on, boredom, inactivity, tiredness, setbacks and successes become a part of our daily life. And we will need each other’s company and support.

Right now, there is enough to do with talking over the various jobs with the new members of the crew. There is a lot to keep in mind, and we are sure to go over it all more than once. The many different terms on board can be very strange, even for an experienced sailor. Beitås, givtov, bras... And for those who can only communicate in English, the whole thing gets particularly hard. All commands on board are in Danish, so all the terms must also be Danish. This means that for some ten members of the crew who don’t understand Danish, it is rather exotic and sometimes complete gibberish.

Created by Preben Rather Sørensen