Extract from the logbook, 9 August 2008

Published 11th Aug 2008

10.00, log 1241, wind west, 13 metres/sec.
We cast off in Gershøj, where a lot of on-lookers wish us a good trip to Roskilde. We go out into the Fjord to sail around a bit before we head south for Roskilde, where we are to arrive at 2 pm. We practise rowing with all oars. We normally row with just every other oar, but when we come into the museum harbour, we want to row with all oars – “parade rowing” as we call it.

10.40, log 1242, wind west, 14 metres/sec.
The wind is strong and we take in the top reef in the sail before raising it.

11.46, log 1249, wind west, 17 metres/sec.
The wind is gale force. We sail wind abeam to and fro in the fjord. Saga Fjord is to leeward with a choir on board singing a tribute to the Sea Stallion written by Johannes Møllehave. The wind in the rigging sings along with it.

12.14, log 1252, wind west, 16 metres/sec.
Gusts of up to 19.5 metres/sec. There are a lot of boats on the fjord to escort us, and one or two come very close in view of our high speed and the strong wind. We get help from a police rubber dinghy to keep the curious at an appropriate distance. Not everyone keeps clear. The old ferry, Skælskør greets us to port.

13.10, log 1258, wind west, 15 metres/sec.
We turn for Roskilde, and are escorted the whole way in by hundreds of boats.

13.47, log 1267, wind west, 12 metres/sec.
Alongside Roskilde Sailing Club, we take down the sail and put all oars out at the same time as practised. Fergus, our crew member from the Isle of Skye in Scotland, stands in the bow playing the bagpipes.

14.00, log 1261, wind west, 8 metres/sec.
We row into the Viking Ship Museum’s harbour. Thousands of on-lookers give us an ovation. We ship the oars, stand up and give them a cheer in return. We are all happy and emotional. We are in harbour; we are home.

14.07, log 1261, wind west, 8 metres/sec.
We moor in the innermost part of the harbour at a landing stage specially built for the occasion. We embrace each other and go ashore after 1261 nautical miles.

Created by Vibeke Bischoff